Me : Hey Suruchi. Congratulations on completing your internship in Walmart Labs and getting the PPO .
Suruchi : Thank you!
Me: Is it okay if I ask you a few questions about the whole process?
Suruchi: Yes, go ahead.
Me : So how was the whole Internship interview experience?
Suruchi: The experience was good. Overall the interview was a mix of technical and non technical.
Me: Ohh. What type of questions were asked?
Suruchi: Okay. So I'll divide the types of questions intow three parts : Technical, Non Technical and Tricky Questions.
Me : Okay! So shall we begin with Technical then?
Suruchi : Yes! So the kind of questions that were asked were :
1. Explain what is data structures in layman's terms.
2. The interviewer had asked me what were my favorite subjects ? And I had mentioned Statistics as one of them based on that he asked me this question.
3.Explain Mean, Median, Mode and its specific use.
4.Which statistics methods can be used for quantitative and qualitative data?
Me: This is really helpful. What about Non Technical?
Suruchi: So in Non Technical, I was asked stuff like :
1 What are your hobbies?
2. What do you do in your free time?
3.Why do you want to come to Bangalore?
4. Why should we select you?
5. Why Walmart Labs?
Me: It seems like they went quite into depth. You also mentioned Tricky Questions?
Suruchi: Yes. There were some actually like ,How much do you think is your probability of getting selected? And Do you think all those who have been selected through the test are good enough? and Why?
Me: Hmm. The Interview must have been very taxing considering all the questions and the twists. How did you prep for it?
Suruchi: Geeks for Geeks, Hackerank.
Refer DBMS, OS,DSA and CN textbooks given the syllabus by our college.
For Quantitative Apptitude - Arun Sharma (CAT preparation book)
Me: This is going to be very helpful and not only for those who are just starting out but also those who are sitting for placements! Thank you.
Me: Any suggestions for our juniors and peers?
Suruchi: Fundamentals should be clear. Don't go around referring multiple books. The books which are given to us as textbooks in the syllabus by our college are more than sufficient. To get through coding tests and interview practice hackerrank questions. It is ok if you do not have big projects on your resume, make sure your fundamentals are crystal clear. The hiring committee knows you are students and expects you to have good fundamentals at the very least.
Me: Wow.Thank you so much. Would you mind giving us your phone number or email in case people have more doubts ?
Suruchi : No worries. I’ll DM both to you and if anyone has any more queries, you can let them know.
Me : Okay. Will do. Any last tips?
Suruchi: Hackerrank, Quantitative Apt and OS, DBMS, DSA, CN basics are important. Do not fall for Buzz words (AI, ML, Data Science, etc) and mention them in your interviews just for the sake of it, unless you know the concepts very well.
Me: These are actually very important points. Thank you so much for doing the Interview with us.
Thanks again!
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