Part 8:
Me : Hey Shreya. Congratulations on getting placed in Walmart Labs . Is it alright if I ask you a few questions?
Shreya: Go ahead.
Me : So how was you interview experience?
Shreya : The interviews went very well. In my first round, we had some time left so we had started discussing about my extra-curriculars and why I had an interest in them even if it was a technical round. The people were very friendly and always tried to help you even if you couldn't get the answers..
Me: Ohh that sounds nice! What type of questions were you asked ?
Shreya : In both technical rounds, main focus was on data structures. For every problem, I had to select a data structure and then find a better/optimized solution.
Me : Oh nice! What websites or books did you refer to?
Shreya : Checkout the problems on Hackerrank and GeeksForGeeks.
Me: Ohh okay. Any suggestions for our juniors?
Shreya : Prepare your resume well. It's okay if you don't know all of the concepts of the tech stack that you must have used but be aware of those that have been implemented in your projects. They may also ask to write a code snippet in a language that you've worked in so be prepared for that too.
Me :Thank you so much. Would you mind sharing your email with us?
Shreya : No worries.ill DM it to you and you can forward it to those who need it.
Me: Alright. Thanks once again!
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