Campus Interviews

Part 12 :

Me: Hey Mohini. Thank you for telling us about your interview experience with Citi!

Mohini: No problem!

Me: How is the quarantine vacation going?

Mohini: It is going okay.

Me: So how was the whole interview experience? 

Mohini: They asked most questions on projects. You should have a strong project otherwise they will shift to other topics like data structures, OS. Be confident while answering. Mine was a project on the file system, they asked all questions on that and simple string operations, reverse the string in CPP.

Me: So it is important to have good projects on your resume. What questions did they focus on?

Mohini: Project-based questions only and little data structures.

Me: Oh okay. What websites or books did you refer to? 

Mohini: For aptitude PrepInsta, IndiaBIX, GeeksforGeeks, HackerRank, AMCAT website, Citi asks from AMCAT only.

Me: Oh. That’s really informative. Thank you so much. Any suggestions for your juniors? 

Mohini: Don't be nervous, just study, be confident, its nice process, first clear the aptitude, prepare well for HR also. Languages like c, CPP, java should be strong. You should definitely prepare Data structures, database, OS, network.

Me: Nice!. Well, thank you so much. Would you mind giving us your email ID and phone number in case people have more doubts?

Mohini: No worries. I’ll DM both to you and if anyone has any more queries, you can let them know.

Me: Okay. Will do. Thanks again!


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