Campus Interviews

Part 19:

Me: Congratulations on getting placed in Citi.

Prachi: Thanks a lot!

Me: Well Prachi, how is quarantine going for you?

Prachi: So far it has been really good. :D

Me: That's nice. How was the whole interview process?

Prachi: It was a smooth interview process. The questions were also easy. 

Me: Okay ,What questions were you asked in the interview?

Prachi: They asked basic concepts of OOPs and DS.

       Simple codes on strings, arrays and SQL queries were also asked. 

       And they asked about the projects in detail. 

Me: Which websites did you use for your preparation?

Prachi: I used LeetCode for coding.

      Then I also used GeeksforGeeks for interview experiences and coding questions and for my basics. 

Me: Oh okay, What suggestions would you give to your juniors?

Prachi: Just be confident and make sure you know every detail about what you mention in your resume.

       In the end it's all random.

       Because you got through, doesn't make you brilliant and because you didn't, doesn't make you dumb.

       There's no pattern to it. 

Me: That is great advice. Failure in one interview should not hamper your confidence. It was awesome talking to you. Would you like to share your email id in case people have any doubts?

Prachi: Yes sure.



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